Access to Supplier Portals

As a supplier to Banedanmark you will have to register your deliveries via Banedanmark's online Supplier Portals. The purpose is that all data is registered in one place and that information is retained and made available digitally for both parties.

The registration in the Portals is a part of the digitization. Registration is done at the source (suppliers and their employees) and Banedanmark will have the opportunity to approve of the registered data through digital workflows. The registration is then used as foundation for settlement/payment with the supplier.

Registration in the Portals will prospectively be incorporated as part of the contractual terms of new contracts or as additions to existing contracts.
The Portals can be used for infrastructure projects, business projects and maintenance tasks and therefore by different types of suppliers; including contractors, advisors and consultants etc.
Banedanmark wants the suppliers to make continuously registrations of the scope delivery; which means propulsion of services and hours provided in relation to the contracts. 
To gain access to the Portals you will have to send in a request to Banedanmark. 
Note that there are different forms to be filled out depending on whether you need to register in the SAP Portal or in the Supplier Portal.

If you have to register services or maintenance you will need access to the Supplier Portal ( 
If you have to register hours or have to use Banedanmark's other IT systems you will need access to the SAP Portal. ( 
Company User: When the company request access for their employees. The company will get a number of user entries, which they then are responsible for themselves. The company disposes to their employees, who have to register via the Supplier Portal.

Solemn Declaration form for request for access to the Supplier Portal is found here:

Solemn Declaration form for Company User
X-user: When an external person requests access, e.g. a consultant, an advisor, a ressource person or a temp who are employed by a company that performs tasks for Banedanmark. The X-User typically needs access to different types of IT systems in relation to tasks for Banedanmark. 
The X-User has to register his hours via the SAP Portal. 

Solemn Declaration form for request for access to the SAP Portal is found here:
Solemn Declaration form for X-users

In case of forgotten password for the Portals you will have to contact SAP HR via mail: 

For other support contact:
or you can call our main phone no.: +45 8234 0000
where they will direct you to:

Solveig Ehlers Lykke (SOLY) 
Casper Erik Køllgaard Nielsen (CKNL) 
Tina Helle Jensen (TIHJ) 
Mazlum Kuyulu (MAKU) 

Contact the responsible purchaser; name and e-mail are shown in the purchase order 
