Nordic Suppliers Day in Sweden

Banedanmark presented projects in Sweden at Nordic transport conference
Banedanmark presented Danish rail projects in Stockholm, Sweden, at transport conference. Senior Market Consulent Cathrine Carøe presented business opportunities for suppliers in the forthcoming years.


Trafikverket, the Swedish Transport Administration, held a Nordic Suppliers Day – focusing on the Scandinavian region by presenting future projects for 2018-2020.

Banedanmark presented our future projects for the audience in Stockholm and held B2B meetings in the afternoon. In addition, projects from Vejdirektoratet, The Danish Road Directorate, as well as infrastructure projects from Norway, Sweden, and Finland were presented. More than 750 suppliers from all of Europe have signed up.


Read Banedanmarks presentation.

You can find our future, and our current tenders at our online Tender Plan.

You are welcome to contact project managers for more information.

Cathrine Carøe